Thursday, May 22, 2014

More in you

There is more in you then what you have seen up to this point in your life. The truth is that you are pregnant with the very life of almighty, God! God has created you in the God class. You are therefore not a natural being, but rather a supernatural being in the Image of God. A lion raised in captivity, knows nothing else. He knows nothing but a cage, but on the inside he knows there must be more outside the cage, and therefore we must lock the door. Many people live their lives inside of a cage but they know there must be more! The difference is that some reach for the more! They refuse to settle and become satisfied with the cage! They become pursuers of their dream and their destiny! There is more in you, no matter what anyone has ever said. Refuse to settle. Get out of the cage, and experience the Faith life. There is no comparison. You will begin to live, and not merely exist!
                                                                                                                               Pastor Bill Motley

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lead the Way!

There is a leader in you!!!  It’s time we all stop backing off of the call to lead, and step up into our God-ordained position of leadership!  What is missing right now in our world in every area and every realm is anointed leadership.  How may times have I heard the comment, “I’ll help, but I don’t want to be the leader!”  Leadership is missing in the home, in the church, in business, and in our government!  Many believers want to shout Deuteronomy 28 which says we are the head and not the tail, but what God is actually saying here is, that we have been made leaders (leadership) and not just followers!
Just imagine if every true leader that has been present in your life, never actually existed, where would you be today?  Every teacher pastor, coach, or parent?  Leadership is simply put influence.  We, as believers, are called to be influencers and world changers not just conformers.  It’s time to stand out, step up into position, receive His anointing and Lead the Way!

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Righteousness of God!

If you are going to position yourself in the God-ordained lifestyle of victory, dominion, and authority, you must receive the revelation of righteousness!  What Adam did made you a sinner.  Therefore, you were born into sin.  Likewise, what Jesus did made you righteous!  You were then born again into righteousness!  God has, once and for all, eradicated sin.  Sin is no longer an issue in the life of the believer!  STOP struggling to perform works to become righteous and realize that you are righteous.  You didn’t have to do anything except receive Jesus!
Righteousness is the ability to stand in the presence of God as if sin never existed!

God has declared you to be just as righteous as Jesus Himself.  This is how I John 4:17 can boldly proclaim that, “as He is so are we in this world!”  What all of this meant is that you can stop struggling with sin and get on with your destiny!  You are destined to walk in the very same anointing and authority and power that Jesus walks in!!!  Stop saying you are a sinner and confidently declare that you are the righteousness of God!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Anointing of A Barrier Breaker

You’re either changing your world or your world is changing you!  You’re either changing your environment or conforming to it.  Decide to be a thermostat and not just a thermometer.  Rise up and become a Barrier Breaker!  Dare to be different.  Be an original, not a copy.  Only radical people make an impact and change the world.  You are not natural or average.  You have greatness in you, the potential to accomplish what people say is impossible!  Because of the anointing (God on you), you are a yoke destroyer and a burden remover.  You were born to break every barrier and every containment!  The Bible proclaims that “As He is, so are we in this world.”  You have the very same power in you and on you that Jesus has right now.  When you receive this revelation you will become a Barrier Breaker and nothing will ever stop you.  For more information, make sure to catch my message this Sunday!

From One Barrier Breaker to Another,

Pastor Bill

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Get Back Up!

When life knocks you down and circumstances seem insurmountable, it’s time to Get Back Up! Every Champion went through a season of set backs. But the key is to turn your set back into a comeback. Get back up first on the inside – As a man thinketh In His Heart, So Is He! Secondly: Get back up with you words! Start decreeing your outcome, not what you’re going through. Then thirdly, refuse to be denied. Refuse to quit. Refuse to turn back! Pursue your dream like never before! The favor of God is on you today to get back up!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


If what you have in your hand cannot meet you need, then it must be your seed. God is trying to move you into position for a harvest. He desires that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul  prospers. Every harvest starts with a seed. God promises Seed-Time and Harvest. Plant your seed today and watch what God will do.